"To partner with parents... for discipleship"
At CLA, our goal is not simply to stress academic excellence but to seek to see students transformed through the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Understanding that God places the primary responsibility to disciple children in the hands of their parents, CLA seeks to partner with parents to help supplement and equip parents for the discipleship that they are already doing.
Each year, we focus on one theme verse for the year that is woven throughout the grade levels and areas of study. One of our greatest assets in the area of spiritual development is our teachers, who have a strong desire to see our students develop into mature disciples of Christ and make themselves available to help guide and counsel students. In addition, we also have a Chaplain who not only organizes our daily chapels, but also meets with students one-on-one to counsel them from the Word of God.
"Athletics are an extension of the classroom and should be used to build character and reinforce education"
Christian Liberty Academy offers 10 sports for competition in the IHSA. We are members of the Northearstern Athletic Conference (NAC). The past 10 years have seen CLA win multiple regional banners in various sports and send multiple players to the college level. CLA believes that athletics are an extension of the classroom and should be used to build character and reinforce education provided in the classroom. Led by our Athletic Director and our team of coaches, the CLA athletics staff is committed to integrating biblical principles in developing skills and talent within each student. CLA is an IHSA approved school and competes with other local schools in a variety of sports and belongs to the Northeastern Athletic Conference.
Click here for the CLA's Current Sports Schedule.
"We come alongside and encourage students as they either try something brand new or pursue a growing passion"
CLA theater's most important goal is to produce excellent, family friendly, God-honoring theater that provides opportunities for as many students as possible. Whether it's on stage, backstage, or in the tech booth, we come alongside and encourage students as they either try something brand new or pursue a growing passion.
CLA theater produces one drama every fall and one musical every spring. We do our best to add variety, performing classics such as Oliver! or Anne of Green Gables as well as lesser-known shows like Get Smart, Rumpelstiltskin, and Pilgrim's Progress. Students in 6th-12th grade can audition for the musicals while 7th-12th graders can audition for the fall shows. One thing we love about theater is how beautifully it brings together students of multiple ages and interests, giving everyone a positive, creative outlet as well as opportunities to grow friendships outside of the classroom while working towards a common goal. The memories that students make while putting together these shows will last a lifetime.
"A joy and pleasure to tap into students God-given potential"
The Art Department at Christian Liberty Academy understands that each child deserves to discover that "full art experience", as well as receive hands-on help and valuable training. Children are naturally creative, so it's a joy and pleasure to tap into their God-given potential.
After school program: CLA offers an After School Art Program for Kindergarten and 1st - 2nd grade students for an additional fee, to teach the basic fundamentals of art, aiding the child’s proficiency with reading and writing. Classes include funny games, light-hearted instruction, project examples, and one-on-one help with plenty of encouragement for the student.
Elementary classes: 3rd - 8th grades feature original lessons that are carefully designed to familiarize students with the basics of the elements and principles of art, while practicing proficiency all along the way.
Elective Art classes: 9th - 12th grades include bits of art history, interspersed with current trends relating art to culture all with a Biblical perspective. These classes benefit from a technical approach to creating quality artwork while given examples, direction, and encouragement, as they produce projects that will join the Elementary classes work for a school-wide, public viewing at our annual Art Exhibit & Salon.
Annual Art Exhibit: This single event has a long-standing reputation of excellence, as we showcase the current year's students talents, learned skills, and abilities. Please come join us at the end of April and enjoy the wonderful works of art.
"Our aim is to honor God through exploring the creativity and expressing the beauty of music"
The CLA Music Department is committed to developing confident, creative, and skilled musicians. Our aim is to honor God through exploring the creativity and expressing the beauty of music. Music is an excellent vehicle for praising the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to offer students the highest quality training in Music possible, to share our love of Christ and of music, and to create a lifelong appreciation of it for students. "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High." (Psalm 92:1) "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy." (Psalm 33:3)
From kindergarten through elementary school students have music class twice per week. Here they listen to, respond to, and create music, using their voices as well as instruments. Opportunities for musical experiences in middle school and high school are through choir, bands, and orchestra.
One of our goals as musicians is to share the gifts we've been given with those around us. Because of this, we put on many programs and concerts throughout the year. All grade levels participate in events throughout the year.
"One of the few Christian schools in Chicagoland committed to retaining a qualified, full-time Computer & Technology teacher"
Teaching our students how to use technology in a fun, exciting, and also practical way is an indispensable life skill for their futures ahead. That's why CLA is committed to growing student fluency in technology with a balanced approach. Efforts such as launching annual STEAM nights, and by participating in regional and state science fairs, and by being one of the few Christian schools in Chicagoland committed to retaining a qualified, full-time Computer & Technology teacher has distinguished our school from the rest.
Our facilities and equipment include 3 computer labs, 2 Chromebook carts, 3 Tablet carts, a green screen room with video cameras and lighting, and 4 3D printers. All 3rd-6th graders receive a full trimester of computer classes, 7th-8th graders receive a full semester of computer classes, and high school students have the opportunity to choose from these exciting and career-preparing computer electives:
- AP Computer Science (Java Programming)
- Lego Robotics
- Office Essentials
- Graphics Design
- Build Your Own Computer
- WordPress Web Design
- Intro to Programming (Python)
- Video Production