Honoring Christ • Proclaiming Freedom • Pursuing Excellence
“Our aim is to honor God through exploring the creativity and expressing the beauty of music”
The CLA Music Department is committed to developing confident, creative, and skilled musicians. Our aim is to honor God through exploring the creativity and expressing the beauty of music. Music is an excellent vehicle for praising the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to offer students the highest quality training in Music possible, to share our love of Christ and of music, and to create a lifelong appreciation of it for students. “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 92:1) “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy.” (Psalm 33:3)
From kindergarten through elementary school students have music class twice per week. Here they listen to, respond to, and create music, using their voices as well as instruments. Opportunities for musical experiences in middle school and high school are through choir, bands, and orchestra.
One of our goals as musicians is to share the gifts we’ve been given with those around us. Because of this, we put on many programs and concerts throughout the year. All grade levels participate in events throughout the year.