Honoring Christ • Proclaiming Freedom • Pursuing Excellence
“To partner with parents… for discipleship”
At CLA, our goal is not simply to stress academic excellence but to seek to see students transformed through the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Understanding that God places the primary responsibility to disciple children in the hands of their parents, CLA seeks to partner with parents to help supplement and equip parents for the discipleship that they are already doing.
Each year, we focus on one theme verse for the year that is woven throughout the grade levels and areas of study. One of our greatest assets in the area of spiritual development is our teachers, who have a strong desire to see our students develop into mature disciples of Christ and make themselves available to help guide and counsel students. In addition, we also have a Chaplain who not only organizes our daily chapels, but also meets with students one-on-one to counsel them from the Word of God.